Parashah Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32) is one of the most pivotal sections of the Torah, revealing for us the importance of not only proper biblical order, but also the consequences that befall those who contradict and oppose God’s will. In reading our Parashah and the rebellion of Korach, what is not said - but is inferred throughout, is a sense of consistency and faithfulness in the ministry and lives of both Aharon and Moshe. It is for this reason, that the immediate action of Moshe after the assault from the deceived Korach was that of Humility and the Life of Prayer (Num. 16:4) in stating, “When Moshe heard this he fell on his face.” As we grow as the people of God, such is important, as we seek to embrace the fullness of what Adonai’s calling on us to be as his Messianic community and to pursue faithfulness in Spirit and in Truth (Yochanan 4:24). In the Hebrew, the word halach (of which we get halachah literally means “to walk.” Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for us that we all “walk out,” our faith and practice in a manner that not only honors God, but also, we must seek to follow his unquestionable commands. As a result, dear friends, beginning today and all the days and weeks to follow, we must be a people who embrace faithfulness to Torah and our Messiah, Yeshua in everything we do. Sadly, for many in our movement, Yeshua only seems to be “someone” or “something” only tagged on with a proper place of centrality in life and purpose. In this, we are reminded that apart from Messiah Yeshua, there is No Hope, No Salvation and No Forgiveness of Sins for anyone - but for all who trust (to the Jew first, and then to all nations), Yeshua alone is the only means of salvation, restoration or regeneration! In Yochanan 4:7-8, Yeshua therefore tells us that if we have seen him, we have seen the Father and in 2 Corinthians 5:19, Rav Sha’ul (Paul) instructs that the world can only be reconciled to Adonai through the person of Yeshua. Because of this, central to our worship must be Messiah as Prophet, Priest and King! In the early Messianic community, Messiah centric worship was never an issue or conflict, but instead an exclusive norm. Yet in recent years many in our movement have formulated a practicum that removes Yeshua from his rightful place to the “back row,” while providing him lip service that we are giving him that honor worthy of his holy name (Phil. 2:9-11). Sadly, with such an approach, all some reveal is that they are ashamed of the Besorah (Good News) of Yeshua and that they have conceded to the detractors of Messianic Judaism that the Good News in fact, is not the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16-17)! When we choose to daily place and keep King Messiah on the Throne of our lives and realign our hearts and worship to the one who saved us by his blood, then we will also reapply God’s intent for us as his Messianic community as he did prophetically from the beginning! -Rabbi Mark Rantz
Rabbi MarkPlease follow our Rabbi's blog as he shares from our weekly Torah Portion from a distinctively Messianic Jewish Perspective! Shalom! Archives
March 2024
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