“But the time is coming — indeed, it’s here now — when the true worshippers will worship the Father spiritually and truly, for these are the kind of people the Father wants worshipping him.” - John 4:23, CJB A good lesson on how we worship during services, happens when you have no lyrics to look at. Lately our congregation has been without a projector to display lyrics to the songs we sing. I noticed that our people weren’t engaging in the music as much, and I gently reminded them that it’s the heart we worship with, that they just need to close their eyes and feel his presence. As we resumed with our music time, the hands went up. It has been the most wonderful worship time not having those lyrics. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have lyrics, but it’s a good lesson in real worship. Relying too much on externals, creates a false sense of security. He is our security. He is our redeemer, our rock and our fortress. We need to worship him with our hearts, our minds and our souls. We need to worship him with our whole being. As it says above, “... for these are the kind of people the father wants worshipping him.” “We worship you oh God in this temple, we worship you in spirit and truth. You inhabit our praises and your presence dwells among us, We worship you in spirit and truth.” - Composer Unknown Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 29th of Sh’vat, 5780 | February 24th, 2020
“For you have been delivered by grace through trusting, and even this is not your accomplishment but God’s gift.”- Ephesians 2:8, CJB Anything we accomplish in life is God’s gift. We start off knowing this, but some lose sight of this along the way. Through my years in ministry, I’ve heard people go from giving glory to God to just saying thank you when given accolades. It seems they start taking credit for all they do. There’s nothing wrong with saying “thank you,” but we should never lose sight of how we got to where we are. Remembering God in everything keeps us humble. Being humble gives God the opportunity to strengthen ours gifts, and helps us to continue to grow in him. May we never get so big that we lose sight of him. We can do all things through God who strengthens us. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat February 10, 2020 | 15th if Sh’vat, 5780 “You have heard that our fathers were told, ‘Love your neighbor — and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!”- Matthew 5:43-44, CJB No matter how cordial a conversation I try to have with some people, the nastiness which comes from their lips is almost horrifying. The bitterness overtakes them and they become like rabid dogs. While others may write them off, I find myself praying for them, praying that they would come to know Yeshua. For if they knew Yeshua, their hearts wouldn’t be so bitter. I know that when I let Yeshua into my heart and started having a real relationship with him, everything in me changed and I became a better person. My whole way of thinking changed. It was no longer all about me, but now all about him. He is what got me through this life; he sustains me. Because of these changes, I am now able to see things in others that I wasn’t able to see before. If he can do this in me, how much more can he do this in them, if they come to know him and let him in. When you find yourself in a conversation with someone, and it takes a turn for the worse, don’t stoop to their level and return in kind, continue to be cordial. Raise the bar, so they will want to meet you there. Cause them to want what you have. Witness to them, pray for them every day. Pray they come to know Yeshua and let him into their heart. Continue to be that light for them. The love of Yeshua can change everything for them. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 8th of Sh’vat, 5780 | February 3, 2020 |
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