“He who is to be purified must wash his clothes, shave off all his hair and bathe himself in water. Then he will be clean; and after that, he may enter the camp; but he must live outside his tent for seven days.” - Leviticus 14:8 - CJB Here we are still sitting in quarantine, washing our hands and sanitizing everything. Rituals that we do every day, now seem to have become a chore for some. So many people complain when it comes to being told what to do and how to do it. This isn’t the first-time people have had to isolate themselves from others in order to either heal or keep themselves well. There have been many pandemics all throughout history where guidelines needed to be followed in order to stay well, most notably in the Bible. All throughout Leviticus it talks about diseases, describing them in great detail. Adonai speaks to Moses and Aaron about these diseases and gives guidelines on how to take care of one’s self if they’ve been exposed. There are many cases all throughout the Bible where we are given guidelines on how to care for ourselves against diseases. For many years Bible has been an acronym meaning, Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. This is a time that we need to turn ourselves more toward Adonai and his word, his instruction. His word is truth. He is our rock and fortress. Trusting in Adonai doesn’t mean we should live haphazardly. If we abide in him, he will abide in us. So, when we must go outdoors to run errands, or just to get some fresh air, let’s follow the guidelines we have been given., and be aware of those around us. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 5th of Nisan, 5780 | March 30, 2020
“Therefore, encourage each other, and build each other up — just as you are doing.” - 1 Thes. 5:11, CJB We all lead busy lives. Whether through work, congregations, or social gatherings, our days are spent in relationship with others. Hanging out, going places together, these things are part of a long-standing routine. Now, because if the coronavirus, we find ourselves in quarantine! But, quarantine doesn’t mean we have to isolate from one another. Our lives may be put on hold, but our relationships with others don’t have to be. By phone or through social media, there are many ways to stay in relationship with one another. Many lives have been turned upside down. While some of us may be okay, some might not be. Check in on your family, your friends, your co-workers, and your fellow-congregants. Check in to see how they are doing and let them know you’re okay. See if there’s anything they need. Give words of encouragement and build each other up. We may have to be socially distant, but we can still be social. Let’s continue to love one another. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 27th of Adar, 5780 | March 23, 2020 “Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving.” ~ Philippians 4:6, CJB As we all know, there are many businesses that are taking precautions by closing down due to the Coronavirus. There are many that have genuine concerns about how they are going to continue to support their families and get bills paid. I can honestly say God gets us through all things. “Yeshua looked at them and said, … Humanly, this is impossible; but with God everything is possible. (Matthew 19:26) Early on in my marriage, God had called my husband and I into full-time ministry. The obstacles from the Adversary hit us head on for quite a few years. We had car wrecks, a heart attack, deaths in the family, issues with the children and many layoffs. Still being a fairly new believer, I wasn’t mature enough in my faith to handle the stress of it all. Of course, I would pray, but only after I reacted poorly to every situation that hit us, especially the layoffs. There were many of them between the both of us, which caused me to worry about money all the time! Although I saw God helping us through the kindness of others, I still reacted with panic and worry whenever there was another layoff, and that’s putting it mildly. Then it happened! I was sitting at my computer having my daily conversation with the Lord. I had asked Yeshua to take this angst away from me, I didn’t want to live this way anymore. I didn’t want to have to worry anymore and just then my husband walks in and tells me he had been laid off. I was cool as a cucumber; I recognized it right away. The next day I went to work and got my lay-off notice. I cried for a bit because now we were both laid off at the same time, which never happened before, but I prayed in the moment, and the Lord calmed me down. I was able to finish out the school year, and then we both went on unemployment. My husband and I agreed that he would just focus on seminary and not go back to work. My job was on again, off again, but we continued to pray and we tithed, and the Lord blessed us with everything we needed. Being in ministry, many years later, we still live paycheck to paycheck, but I see now where God’s hand was in all of it, and I know that God is still seeing us through. Now, does that mean I don’t worry from time to time? Of course, I do unfortunately, that’s human nature. But, my years in ministry has helped me mature and grow into a true woman of God. When things get hard, I go to Yeshua, and I wait on him. My message to any of you who may be affected by the consequences of the Coronavirus is that worry gives us nothing but anxiety, and then that trickles down to our children. Take your prayers to Yeshua and wait on him. You may not see God’s hand in your situation now, but you will. Believe that he will get you through, and he will. God does not lie, he does everything he’s says he will. Put your trust and faith in him and not in the things going on around you. You are not alone in this. When good things come your way, choose to see God. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 20th of Adar, 5780 | March 16, 2020 “And let us keep paying attention to one another, in order to spur each other on to love and good deeds, not neglecting our own congregational meetings, as some have made a practice of doing, but, rather, encouraging each other.” -Hebrews (Messianic Jews) 10:24, CJB Friendships are essential to one’s body, mind and soul. Although we are individuals, it wasn’t meant for us to be alone with ourselves. We need stimulation, we need contact, we need to know we are loved. God wants us to love one another the way he loves us. The best way to love one another is to build up those relationships with the people around us. Form a friendship with someone who needs a friend, especially with the new believers around you. Help them to transition into this new way of life they’ve found. Help them to know Gods love for them. For those who haven’t been able to be with your congregation because of issues going on in their lives, reach out to them, let them know they haven’t been forgotten. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 6th of Adar, 5780 | March 2, 2020 |
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