“So, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on bedrock. The rain fell, the rivers flooded, the winds blew and beat against that house, but it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on rock.” ~ Matthew 7:24-25 CJB Yeshua is that rock! Doing anything on our own, puts us on shaky ground. For someone who grew up in Southern California, I know about shaky ground. I’ve seen beautiful homes fall apart due to earthquakes, because those homes were built on the fault line. The homes that are built away from that fault line, can withstand an earthquake. The same goes for us regarding our lives and the decisions we make. Doing anything on our own can only lead to trouble. We listen to the voices of others instead of listening to God. We do things in the moment without any regard of the outcome. When things go awry, our fault line activates and we go into a panic. When making any decision, especially big ones, we need to go to Yeshua in prayer. We need to be patient in waiting on Gods timing. When we put our faith and trust in Him, we begin to build our lives on a firm foundation. With time, that foundation becomes stronger. We no longer get shaken because He has become the core of our being. Don’t let the influence of life cause you to make wrong choices. Let Yeshua be the chief cornerstone of everything in your life. Live your life with a firm foundation. (Eph. 2:19-22) Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat 17th of Sivan, 5779 | June 17, 2019
“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of [Messiah]. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” - Galatians 6:2-3, ESV This morning I read an article about a police officer who did a welfare check on an elderly woman. After seeing she was okay, he saw that her lawn was overgrown, and did not hesitate to grab her lawnmower and mow her lawn. How many of us are like him? Would we dropped what we are doing in the moment to help someone in need or, would we move on pass them because we have more important things to do? Do we think ourselves so highly that we wouldn’t stoop to that level of getting our hands dirty? Whatever your status is in life, we are all the same in Gods eyes. He has a purpose for all of us, and we should never think ourselves better than anybody else. After all, without the construction worker, you wouldn’t have your beautiful house. Our lives shouldn’t be about us and what our status is, our lives should be about Him and loving one another the way He loves us. Helping someone in need is showing love. “... and you should love your neighbor as yourself.” If you happen to find yourself in the path of someone in need, please do not hesitate to help them. In hte end, this is all part of how we establish the Kingdom of God in our midst by fulfilling His commandments, serving one another, and leading lives of covenantal love! Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat June 10, 2019 | Shavu’ot II | 7thof Sivan, 5779 “The King will say to them, ‘Yes! I tell you that whenever you did these things for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did them for me!" -Matthew 25:40, CJB You’ve had your breakthrough! Whatever you were going through in your life, Adonai pulled you out. There are people He placed in your life at just the right moment. Those people who heard Him and listened. They prayed with you and walked with you and you had that breakthrough. Now you are no longer living a life of turmoil, but living a life in Yeshua. There may be some bumps in the road, but you have joy in your heart. Now you are in a place where He is going to use you to do the same. There is someone He is going to place in your life who is in turmoil. Their lives are in complete chaos and they can’t pull themselves out! This person needs a breakthrough and Adonai has chosen you to do this. Are you going to hear Him and listen, or will you turn and walk away? Will you forget where you came from, or will you remember what Yeshua has done for you? Be the one who listens. Share your testimony with them. Let them know they are not alone, and that “... with God, everything is possible” Matthew 19:26, CJB. Help this person have their breakthrough. Be a Blessing and Be Blessed! Monday Morning Inspirational By Rebbitzen Kat June 3rd, 2019 | 29th of Iyyar, 5779 |
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